Sunday of I Class, Semidouble
Ad te levavi (Psalm 25)
Priest: Unto thee, O Lord, will I lift up my soul:
People: My God, I have put my trust in thee, O let me not
be confounded:
Priest: Neither let my enemies triumph over me:
People: For all they that hope in thee shall not be ashamed.
Priest: (Psalm 25) Shew me thy ways, O Lord:
People: And teach me thy paths.
Priest: Glory be ...
People: As it was ...
(Repeat to §.)
§ Gloria in excelsis is not said in Masses of the Season from
this Sunday up to the Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord, inclusive.
Priest: (Psalm 25) For all they that look for thee
People: Shall not be ashamed, O Lord.
Priest: Make known to me thy ways, O Lord:
People: And teach me thy paths.
Priest: Alleluia.
People: Alleluia.
Priest: (Psalm 85) Shew us thy mercy, O Lord:
People: And grant us thy salvation.
All: Alleluia!
The Creed is said on all Sundays through the year, whether occurring
or anticipated, and also when its Office is postponed to the first unhindered
day. But it is not said on Ferias when the Mass of the preceding
Sunday is merely resumed.
Psalm 25
Unto thee, O Lord, will I lift up my soul: my God, I have put my trust
in thee, O let me not be confounded: neither let mine enemies triumph over
me: for all they that hope in thee shall not be ashamed.
Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord, that the effectual power of these thy
holy mysteries may in such wise cleanse us from all our iniquities that
we may in all purity attain unto him who is the author of the same, even
Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Lord. Who liveth and reigneth with thee.
SECRET 2 Of Saint Mary
We beseech thee, O Lord, stablish in our hearts the mysteries of thy
true religion: that, as we do believe thy Son, conceived of a virgin, to
be very God and very man, so by the power of his resurrection we may be
found worthy to attain to everlasting felicity. (Through the same.)
SECRET 3 For the Church
Defend, O Lord, we pray thee, us thy servants: that we cleaving fast
to things heavenly, may faithfully serve thee both in body and soul.
The Preface of the Most Holy Trinity is said in this Mass.
Likewise it is said in Sunday Masses through the year, even when the Mass
is anticipated on Saturday, provided there be no proper Preface ordered
by the Rubrics; but it is not said on Ferias, nor when the Sunday Mass
is resumed on a week day, for then is said the common Preface unless some
Commemoration be madewhich requires a proper Preface. But note that
the Preface of the BVM is never said in Masses of the Season during Advent.
Psalm 86
The Lord shall shew loving-kindness: and our land shall give her increase.
Grant to us, O Lord, we beseech thee: so to wait for thy loving kindness
in the midst of thy Temple, that in readiness of heart and mind we may
hail the coming feast of our redemption. Through.
We beseech thee, O Lord, pour thy grace into our hearts: that as we
have known the incarnation of thy Son Jesus Christ by the message of an
Angel; so by his cross and passion we may be brought to the glory of his
resurrection. (Through the same.)
POSTCOMMUNION 3 For the Church
Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord our God: that we whom thou hast made
partakers of heavenly gladness, may by thee be defended from all earthly
perils. Through.
Then is said Let us bless the Lord, which shall always be done when
the Gloria in excelsis is not appointed to be said; otherwise is said Depart
in peace.
§ Through the year, if during the week Mass is to be said of
the Feria, the Mass of the preceding Sunday is resumed unless there be
a proper Mass. And likewise, when the Rubrics order a
Commemoration to be made of a Feria which has no proper Mass, the
Collects of the preceding Sunday are used.
§ From the I Sunday in Advent to December 23 inclusive, when
the Collects are assigned for the different seasons (to wit, those given
above for the BVM, etc.) are ordered to be said, the
second Collect will be of the BVM, and the third that for the Church,
as given above, if the Latin Rubrics be followed. But if the Prayer-Book
Rubrics be followed, after the first week in
Advent, the second Collect will of the I Sunday in Advent, and the
third Collect that of the BVM. However, in Masses of the BVM or in
those in which she is commemorated, and likewise in a
Votive Mass of All Saints, in place of the Collect of the Holy Spirit,
as given in the Votive Masses of the BVM.
§ In Advent, in Lent (From Ash Wednesday up to Saturday after
Passion Sunday inclusive), on Ember Days, on Vigils, and on the days of
the greater and the lesser Litanies, when Mass is said
of any Festival or when a Votive Mass is said, a Commemoration of
the Feria is always made unless it be a Conventual or a sung Mass in a
place where there is also another Conventual or
sung Mass of the Feria: otherwise the Feria must be commemorated
even in a Conventual or a sung Mass. The same rule is observed on
all Vigils, a Double of the I Class is kept, or when a
Votive Mass is celebrated for an important matter of public intention,
in which case there is no Commemoration of the said Vigil.