But fresh privileges and responsibilities are brought
before us in the services of the Third Sunday in Advent. For we have in
the Church not merely "Holy Scriptures written for our learning," but "Ministers
of CHRIST and Stewards of the mysteries of GOD," sent to prepare and make
ready the way for His second coming, that we may then be found an acceptable
people in His sight. We might have been left to derive from Scripture by
our own unaided efforts its rich and glorious contents "for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness;" but our merciful
FATHER has dealt otherwise with His Church under each dispensation. For
the Baptist, who heralded CHRIST at His coming, though "more than a prophet,"
was but the successor of a "goodly company," whom GOD had raised up from
time to time to vindicate the Law and to foreshow the Gospel. "But he that
is least in the kingdom of GOD is greater than he." The prophet of the
ancient Church had for his main office to enforce the Law, to show GOD’S
people their transgression and their sin; if he spoke of the Gospel, it
was in prospect only, and seen afar off. The Messengers sent to us are
a "Ministry of reconciliation," Ministers and Stewards of the mysteries
of redemption, with power and commandment, as ambassadors of CHRIST, to
declare and pronounce to GOD’S people, being penitent, the blessed tidings
of forgiveness, and in the preaching of His word and the distribution of
His sacraments to convey and apply its benefits to each individual member
of CHRIST’S Body. And does not this great blessing entail upon us a heavy
responsibility? Let us learn from the Church how such a gift should be
received; she instructs us in the words of St. Paul’s admonition to the
proud and schismatical Church of Corinth. The Apostle bids them look upon
himself and his fellow-labourers as Ministers of CHRIST, responsible to
their own Master, and to be judged by Him alone; as men who thought it
a very small thing that even their own consciences acquitted them, or that
in man’s judgment they were preferred and made the head of a party; who
were stewards, and therefore required to be faithful to Him who gave them
their commission; and who sought to have "praise" not of men but "of GOD,"
in that solemn day of His appearing, when He should " bring to light the
hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the heart."
And if we had imbibed more deeply St. Paul’s spirit, we should less resemble
than (it is to be feared) we sometimes do, the contentious Corinthians,
or the multitudes who flocked to the wilderness to the Baptist’s preaching,
as if it had been some spectacle for idle curiosity. (Matt. xi.) Wisdom
would be justified of all her children, even in our judgment; we should
see them all to be Ministers and Ambassadors of GOD, and our commendations
and censures would be turned into prayers on their behalf, such as the
Church has taught us, that like the Baptist they ‘may likewise so prepare
and make ready CHRIST’S way, by turning the hearts of the disobedient to
the wisdom of the just, that at His second coming to judge the world, we
may be found an acceptable people in His sight.’ And in this way too, as
well as in giving greater heed to His holy Word, we should better fulfil
CHRIST’S commandment of love; for it was for this purpose that He commissioned
the Ministers and Stewards of His word and sacraments. St. Paul tells us,
"He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some evangelists; and
some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work
of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of CHRIST; till we all come
in the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the SON of GOD unto a perfect
man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of CHRIST; that we
henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with
every wind of doctrine, but speaking the truth in love, may grow up unto
Him in all things which is the Head, even CHRIST; from whom the whole body,
fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth,
according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh
increase of the body unto the edifying of itself."