Additional Propers
Taken from the Anglican Missal for use at the
THE OFFERTORY The earth trembled
and was still, when God arose to judgement, alleluia. Ps 76
SECRET We beseech thee, O Lord,
mercifully to accept the prayers and oblations of thy people: that this
beginning of thy Paschal Mysteries may by the operation of thy grace be
unto us a wholesome medicine unto everlasting life. Thr..
COMMUNION SENTENCE Christ our Passover
is sacrificed for us, alleluia: therefore let us keep the feast with the
unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, alleluia. I Cor. 5
POST-COMMUNION We beseech thee, O
Lord, pour into our hearts the love of thy Holy Spirit: that as thou hast
now fulfilled us with this Paschal Sacra-ment, so thou wouldest make us
to continue in all godly concord. Thr..