WHAT parent could take the children's food and throw it
to the dogs? For the hunger of children is simple and obsessing.
When they are hungry there is nothing that they want but food, and until
their hunger is relieved, they have no mind for anything else. Their
present mind is their hunger; they are their hunger. How happy are
parents in the ability to bestow contentment so simply and so fully, as
by giving the children the children’s bread. And now in the name
of the divine Father I must take bread, say grace for it, and distribute
it. But when it comes to distribution, I shall find myself in the
children’s part; we shall receive together, as though from those merciful
hands. The mercy of heaven rejoices to satisfy the children’s hunger
with the children’s bread. Their hunger is for this, and this is
what satisfies. What happiness, therefore, to the giver. And
the children are happy if they hunger for this bread, if their hunger possesses
them, until their hunger is their mind. Blessed are they, says Christ,
that hunger and thirst, for they shall be filled. And Christ is best
able so to say, being himself the bread.