1 Thessalonians Chapter IV
1 More and more - It is not enough to have faith, even so as to
please God, unless we abound more and more therein.
3 Sanctification - Entire holiness of heart and life: particular
branches of it are subjoined. That ye abstain from fornication - A beautiful
transition from sanctification to a single branch of the contrary; and
this shows that nothing is so seemingly distant, or below our thoughts,
but we have need to guard against it.
4 That every one know - For this requires knowledge, as well as
chastity. To possess his vessel - His wife. In sanctification and honour
- So as neither to dishonour God or himself, nor to obstruct, but further,
holiness; remembering, marriage is not designed to inflame, but to conquer,
natural desires.
5 Not in passionate desire - Which had no place in man when in
a state of innocence. Who know not God - And so may naturally seek happiness
in a creature. What seemingly accidental words slide in; and yet how fine,
and how vastly important!
6 In this matter - By violating his bed. The things forbidden,
here are three: fornication, 1Th 4:3; the passion of desire, or inordinate
affection in the married state, 1Th 4:5; and the breach of the marriage