Calvin's Commentaries
The Acts of the Apostles (Volume XVIII)
ACTS 5:12-16
12. He returneth to
miracles of another sort, which are more proper to the gospel; to wit,
whereby Christ doth not only declare his power, but also his goodness; to
the end he may allure men unto himself with the sweetness of his grace. For
he came to save the world, and not to condemn it. Therefore, whereas the
sick are healed, and others are delivered from devils, these benefits done
to the body do represent the spiritual grace of Christ; and therefore they
agree with his natural
1 office that I may so speak. That fearful sign
which was showed in Ananias and Sapphira came to pass extraordinarily
Luke saith that the Church was increased by miracles, because they serve for
faith, 3
(as we have said,) to prepare some, to confirm others. Whereby that is
proved again, which I have said elsewhere that miracles must never be
separated from the word. Luke showeth the multitude of miracles by this, in
that the sick were brought forth everywhere, that they might be healed. For
God meant thus to set forth the gospel of his Son, especially at the
beginning; that he, might for a certainty testify to the Jews, that that
restoring of all things was present, which was so often promised, and in
which all their hope was reposed, as they themselves did pretend, (and make
semblance.) It is well known that couches were certain little beds in which
the men of old were wont to rest at noon. Because they might the more easily
carry them out, they laid the sick in them.
And they were all with one accord.
He signifieth unto us that they were wont to
meet together at certain hours, not only for doctrine and prayers' sake, but
that they might win others unto the Lord, as occasion was given. For every
man lived at home at his own house, but they had their meetings there, as
assuredly no body of the Church can otherwise continue. For if every man
will be his own teacher, and pray apart by himself, and if there be no
meetings and assemblies, how excellently soever the Church be ordered and
appointed, yet must it needs decay and come to nought. He saith that they
were all of one mind, to the end we may know that they did all keep that
order willingly, that no man was so disordered as to keep himself at home,
neglecting the public assembly. Wherein they showed a token, not only of
modesty, but also of constancy. For they could not do this without danger,
seeing the place was so famous. For which cause, the agreement of them all
to put themselves in hazard was so much the more worthy of commendation.
And of other durst
no man.
This was the second fruit of the miracles, in that these which believed not,
being convict with the excellent power of God, dare not despise the
apostles, but are rather enforced to reverence the Church. Yet that might
seem an absurd thing, that being terrified with miracles, they flee from God
and his people. I answer, that they were letted through their own fault from
coming; and it is not to be doubted but that God doth call us unto himself
by miracles. Therefore, whosoever they be that go not so far, as willingly
to embrace the grace of God which shineth in them, they are letted and
hindered by their own perverse and evil conscience. Yet this is some fruit,
in that God wringeth some fear out of them; although Luke doth ascribe this
not only to the miracle, but rather comprehendeth all together which might
serve to the increasing of the dignity of the Church. For all things were so
ordered, that there shined there a certain divine majesty; for they did no
less differ from the other than angels from men.
For there is a certain secret
majesty in holy discipline and in sincere godliness, which doth even fast
bind the wicked whether they will or no. But we know not at this day of what
sort the same is; yea, rather, we cause ourselves to be despised together
with the gospel, through our profane liberty of evil living. Furthermore,
the punishment of Ananias and his wife did not a little terrify the wicked,
and keep them from breaking in unadvisedly into the company of those men,
where God had showed himself so sharp a Judge. Yet we must note that he
speaketh of men which were indifferent in this place, and of those which
were not of the worst sort; for there were at that time many at Jerusalem,
whom neither the reverence of signs, neither yet of the angelic holiness of
the godly, could move. Therefore Luke meaneth moderate men, in whom there
are some seed of the fear of God; like as we see at this day certain, whom
the vanity of the world keepeth back from submitting their necks unto the
yoke of Christ; yet because they smell out some divine thing in our
doctrine, 5
they dare not despise the same; yet we may see also in what deadly grins
[gins] Satan insnareth all those which have not the Spirit of Christ, that
they do not only fear to provide for themselves, but purposely avoid those
remedies which are offered them unto salvation. They both see and allow
those things which are both holy and profitable, and yet, notwithstanding,
they are either carried headlong unto things which are worse, or else they
wax drowsy in their filthiness.
The shadow of Peter, as he came.
The Papists abuse this text, [as a pretexts]
not only to the end they may commend reigned miracles, which they say are
done at the graves of martyrs, but also that they may boast of their relics.
Why (say they) shall not the grave, or garment, the touching of the bones of
Peter, have power to heal, as well as his shadow had this power? I answer,
we must not by and by think that that is right which Luke saith was done by
ignorant men, and those which knew not the pure faith. Yet we have a more
certain answer in readiness than this. For the apostles were endued with
such power for this cause, because they were ministers of the gospel.
Therefore they used this gift, inasmuch as it served to further the credit
of the gospel; yea, God did no less show forth his power in their shadow
than in their mouth. Those miracles whereof the Papists babble are so unlike
to these, that they are rather altogether contrary. For this is the end of
their miracles, to lead away the world from Christ unto saints.