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Meeting Christ in the Liturgy
by Fr. Cusick
(Note: CCC refers to Catechism of the Catholic Church )
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Our burden and privilege as Christians is to be held to the very highest standards of conduct in thought, word and deed: the standard of the virtue of charity. The charity of the Samaritan made him pleasing in God's eyes, though to Jews he was a heretic and an outcast, judged to be condemned. The priest, a leader and holy man among the Jewish people fell short in God's eyes, for he was without charity.

Christ died out of love for us, while we were still "enemies." (Romans 5:10) The Lord asks us to love as he does, even our enemies, to make ourselves the neighbor of those farthest away, and to love children and the poor as Christ himself. (Cf. Matthew 5:44; Luke 10: 27-37; Mark 9:37; Matthew 25:40, 45.) (CCC 1825) 

We must love all, including our enemies, and must pray for them or we are without charity and therefore without God's love. Let us begin now the regular practice of prayer for our enemies that the doors of heaven may not be shut against us.

I look forward to meeting you here again next week as, together, we "meet Christ in the liturgy"---Father Cusick 

See also CCC 1293, 2083, 2603, 2822

Used with the permission of Fr. Cusick from his website